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The information contained in these calculators and reports is for informational purposes only. The use, presentation or receipt of this information does not constitute an offer to lend, an application, a Good Faith Estimate, or estimate of fees. Where included, interest rates are subject to change at any time and are not intended to be viewed as the current market rate. Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) can also vary at any time and are presented as approximations. APRs shown here are generally calculated conservatively and may be higher than the actual current market APR, which will be determined and disclosed upon request of a formal Good Faith Estimate or upon application for financing. Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information and mathematical calculations; however, the provider makes no guarantee and maintains no liability for use of or reliance upon the results. Formulation of a scenario using these tools does not mean that the results are guaranteed. All loan products have guidelines, and those rules or tolerances will vary based upon many factors, including but not limited to loan to value ratios, income, employment history, debts, assets, creditworthiness, and underwriter’s review and approval.